Postdoctoral position in satellite measurements at Université libre de Bruxelles

The Université libre de Bruxelles




The Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Atmospheric Remote Sensing laboratory (SQUARES - at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is looking for a motivated candidate holding a PhD degree in an exact science (e.g. Chemistry, Physics, Environmental science, Bioengineering, Informatics, Geography, Geology,...) to perform research in the field of atmospheric remote sensing.


For this postdoc position, we are specifically seeking someone to develop innovative hashtagalgorithms for the determination of source emissions from ammonia (NH3) satellite data building on previous work:
Note that no prior expertise is required in satellite remote sensing.


The ideal candidate should:

hold a hashtagphd degree in hashtagsciences or hashtagappliedscience
have experience with data-analysis and hashtagprogramming/hashtagscripting. Experience with hashtagmatlab is a bonus.
be fluent in hashtagenglish (spoken and written)
have a natural curiosity for the world around them, steered by a critical and creative mind
have a good sense of initiative and be well-organized
be eager to learn and motivated to start research
be able to work independently and in a team
have a logical and hashtagproblemsolving mind


This circular is created by Admin, please check the description in detail!

Foysal Kabir Shimul

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Circular Summary

Published on: 2024-Jan-30

Employment Status:

Location: Belgium

Application Deadline: 2024-May-01

The last date of this circular is over.

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